Fill in the Space

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For those who may be like me, where you crave social interaction, you may find days alone at home to be very torturous. I know I sometimes look through my phonebook searching for who I can call to talk to, or wishing friends were just as bored so that they would call you.  In this phase I began thinking of things I could to reduce the boredom or to cover up the desire to be around a group of people. Here are a few things I thought of:

  1. Reading: This would be a good time to take a trip to the library and pick out some good literature to read. Do you like drama’s, sci-fi, or adventure books? If you don’t know, you could try reading a few chapters of books to see if it keeps your attention. Of course I always advise to be careful what you read because everything goes into your spirit, but reading books is good for you. Whatever books you find that you want to keep reading over and over again, purchase!
  2. Cooking! Find some recipes that you have wanted to try or anything that makes your mouth water. Make a day out of testing out food to see what you like or don’t like. This could even be a way to get your friends over later. People always come out for food. A suggestion I have is going to Whole Food’s website. I not only go on their website but I have an app on my phone that gives me recipes.
  3. Plan out your week. Now this may seem boring but this is very essential to your success. If you plan out your week and write down your goals that you want to accomplish and deadlines, you’ll be amazed at how much you will achieve. It may even develop into a weekly habit!
  4. Study a language, and preferably one that you really like or a language from a place you are interested in going. Nothing wrong with getting a little cultural and learning to ask, “parlez vous Francais?”
  5. Make a vision board. A vision board consists of pictures or words of what you would like to see in your future. I love working on my vision board. I have one that is filling up which contains my long term goals.  I want to make one that is for short term goals. Write down your vision and make it plain . . .
  6. Go for a walk or a run. There is nothing like walking through nature and experiencing while getting a chance to clear you head and meditate.
  7. Blog! Blogging is one of my favorite things to do. Not only do I get a chance to share my thoughts and my opinions freely, but I also get to hear the feedback of others and gain knowledge. Blogging is a great way to interact with your community that consists of those who think like you!

Readers, what are some suggestions that you all have when you are stuck at home bored? I would love to hear your thoughts!

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